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WGT Treats us like MORONS

Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:35 AM (36 replies)
  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 5:13 AM

    I'm curious, pejon06, with all the golf you've played (real-life, that is) and all the buckets of balls you've hit, have you ever mis-hit one?

    I had written in another thread, about what a "ding" is, and suggested that since we can't control things like club face angle at impact or where the ball is in our stance or whether we sway our bodies too much left or right on the downswing, the game will randomly "control" these which will likely result in a bad shot, even though we think we hit a good shot.

    You can be the greatest golfer in the world but if the club face is just a half a degree off at impact, it will not follow your intended target line and the farther it travels, the farther off line it will be. I'm confident you understand that.

    All the shot preparation in the world isn't going to eliminate a slight twist of the wrist right before impact. Dinging a shot or hitting it just the way you want to, doesn't mean that all aspects of the swing are going to be perfect. We don't have complete control over every possible aspect of the swing, so the game does it for us. And the only way it can do that is to randomly modify one of those aspects be a random amount from being perfect. It's the closest the game can come to recreating that little twist of the wrist right before impact.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 5:31 AM


    This issue also brings up the topic of the ridiculous scores some players on WGT score....because they MUST also be getting similar random events happening to them each round...yet somehow they magically score 17 under...1 shot short of birdie average..

    Maybe cheat programs counteract the random issue and that's why they average 6-8ft from pin on approaches

    Translated - Other people are better than me, ergo, they are cheating.

    Maybe the OP should pop along to the Pro shop - 

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:45 AM


    aybe the OP should pop along to the Pro shop - 

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NOW THAT, is funny. Good one Paul!

    Have a nice day!


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:53 AM

    This issue also brings up the topic of the ridiculous scores some players on WGT score....because they MUST also be getting similar random events happening to them each round...yet somehow they magically score 17 under...1 shot short of birdie average..

    Assuming your 2 deviated shots stayed on the green, you had putts of 24 and 33 feet. Players that shoot those low scores have those for a snack.* If you think about it, this is what it would take on the real pro tour to shoot those kinds of numbers. Before that, the GIR's would have to be in order and that's where this game sets up low scores-most of the deviations you see cause long putts but don't cost you that GIR number.



    * Except maybe Gerald-he leaves 2" crumbs laying all over.  :-D

    (Don't slate me G, just joshing ya.)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 8:45 AM

    This issue also brings up the topic of the ridiculous scores some players on WGT score....because they MUST also be getting similar random events happening to them each round...yet somehow they magically score 17 under...1 shot short of birdie average..

    I have only worked at this game within reason time allowing.  I don't have the consistency (or sometimes notes) of the top players, but frankly I honestly think you need to look at a few things.

    Not being funny you have 81% driving accuracy / 15 foot to pin.  This then then leading to 43% 1 putts is not surprising.

    Now whilst (I hope lol) I am still work in progress the things that helped me were mapping of my irons - thorough mapping of distance.  I also learnt to accept that some holes do just play a bit different. Beth #3, for example, a 15MPH looking to come in from barely 11 Oclock affects my shot distance more than the camera angles tell me distance wise in this example.  My putting I am also still working on.

    Basically what I am saying is that your game (me to all too often) does not compare to the top players in any way, and so of course those 17 unders seem incredible.  Now they seem more incredible to you because something is fundamentally not working.  I am an ordinary player and if I can get better stats you can.  You need to ask yourself what is causing mediocre driving accuracy / dist to pin. Your two putts look OK so (guessing slightly) the issue is poor driving knocking on mostly / some more study of approach shots.  I would also ask do you have your wedges mapped properly.  Your wedges are capable of being deadly from 3 through 107 yards.  If I said 22 yards out what shots do you have?.  Those wedges are a marvel so if you do not know exactly what those options are, fway or rough, it's something to think about

    Now looking at your purchases (took the liberty) you appear to swap ball types often.  If that is the case in your play (looked v quick) this would immediately explain poor approach play for most mortals.   No way could I keep my dist to pin playing the ball differences you have in your history if you are in changing for actual play.

    Several things to think about.  I will say though that there is no way that the game is responsible for the disparity in your stats, overall, compared to the top players, and so of course the scores are also not comparable.  

    WTFs will have zero care factor bearing on stats as they are overall, and it is these that need to be brought under more control before scores can follow.  

    If you want to see how it's done people like fmags / Notonthis have posted videos blow by blow doing the dooo.  Leaves no mystery just gotta look and learn IMO.  That's what I do anyway which is why I am always so appreciative when they post one.

    I realise I have assumed a bit (never checked if you usually only play UEL even).  Also like I say good luck with your game, and overall a few tweaks I suspect will get those stats right soon.  Driving does look an issue, and that needs to be solved first, then mapping with your irons / ONE BALL TYPE.  Looking at your two putts the one putts should just organically improve with closer dist to pin.  Once the stats are right the scoring lines will get finer then time for another look etc etc.....

    EDIT: BTW the L71 ball means that v small spin differences can make v large differences to distance, not least in to a wind.  Misses won't be helped by that fizz if using the spin attributes.  Fantastic ball, just very demanding on the mapping IMO same as any top line stuff.

    165 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 1:23 PM

    well  also disagree with a lot of what happens on WGT but , I do enjoy playing the game to a point.. but I have to disagree with you on one thing WGT is NOT the best golf game on earth not by a long shot.

    the best golf game / simulator around is still ( LINKS 2003 ) just not alot of people know about it because its an older game that Microsoft lost interest in. because of the PS3 & XBox

    but there is still a bunch of us old timers still playing it ,,and its 10 times better than WGT will ever be. and you don't have to buy clubs or balls ,& theres over 1500 courses to play including Augusta , TPC Sawgrass , Pebble Beach and many more top ranked courses.

    check out  linkscorner dot org

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 2:54 PM

    but there is still a bunch of us old timers still playing it ,,and its 10 times better than WGT will ever be.

    Entirely different game, Men in Black. LOL. Know about you guys, you've been around a long time. Tour Spies myself. You can't really compare the 2 games, though.

    You have the game on your HD and that changes the entire picture. There's no support /administrative base required to hook up with others that have the game on their HD, too. If you take a vacation you best take the computer with you because you won't be able to play. You can here because it's not on the HD and only needs an internet connection with a browser. No question Links trumps when comparing the game engine but the rest fails, IMO. 

    You did have to know the game of golf in Links. That's what made Links great for me and I still hold out hope something like the Links shot setup will surface here one day.  Here you can get away with not having a clue, just playing the numbers. :-)

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 3:27 PM

    Dinging a shot or hitting it just the way you want to, doesn't mean that all aspects of the swing are going to be perfect

    So what exactly is the point of having "the ding"

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 3:43 PM

    So what exactly is the point of having "the ding"

    See this thread:)

    Loads of others via search box as well.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 1:10 AM

    I'd be lying if I said I hadn't moaned in the past about certain aspects of the game but that's just it, it's a game.

    There's been many a time I felt smashing my monitor while playing Angry Birds or PacMan but reality kicks in and I relax, telling myself it's not real life.

    WGT don't treat us like morons, remembering many of the WGT staff will play this game too, unless you think they're being treated like morons too :)