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WGT Treats us like MORONS

Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:35 AM (36 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 7:28 AM

    LMAO  bigeasy ,they control the game. Just had to say that .....LOL

    ok guys you can now smile ,your face won't crack.


    Gary (woodo)

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 8:08 AM

    This is an 'arcade golf game' play it as such. Learn how to  'bounce' off the ridges and obstacles etc for those 360 yrd drives (yep the good players do that ***)

    Pull the pin on every approach - be amazed when it still hits it. LoL

    There isn't anything even remotely 'sim' like about this game. I'm sorry but if my $1100.00 TM Irons came with 'deviation' as a feature, I'd be a little pissed. 

    Not being able to 'close' the club face is pretty 'sim' like.. ya... uh huh. Come on, rly?

    VEM, crazy magnetic water, gremlins hiding in trees swatting balls outta the air.... It's an arcade game that happens to make its owners a lot of money. 

    Have fun and laugh at it or quit it... You're not playing 'real' golf here people... lol




  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 9:46 AM



    This issue also brings up the topic of the ridiculous scores some players on WGT score....because they MUST also be getting similar random events happening to them each round...yet somehow they magically score 17 under...1 shot short of birdie average..

    Maybe cheat programs counteract the random issue and that's why they average 6-8ft from pin on approaches

    Translated - Other people are better than me, ergo, they are cheating.

    Maybe the OP should pop along to the Pro shop - 

    ^^^ What he said ^^^

    There are many things available in the pro shop to improve your game,if you just look.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Mar 19 2014 11:08 PM

    .....but my witnesses are 2  TOUR LEGENDs 

    Well that's ok then........

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 12:15 AM


    .....but my witnesses are 2  TOUR LEGENDs 

    Well that's ok then........

    Argument from Authority, common logical fallacy!  ;-)

  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:35 AM

    One thing I liked to do was choose Sergio as my player then hit a lot of poor shots and watch him pout like a 2 year old.