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WGT Treats us like MORONS

Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:35 AM (36 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 9:48 AM

    Another shot .....176yrds into the 9th at Bethpage hit into a 12mph coming from right to left (1:00 to 7:00 o'clock ) using a 195 R11 iron backed off 2mm and DINGED with 3/4 back aimed about 1 yrd over the right edge of the green to the right pin position.....finish pin high BUT 11 Yards LEFT......??????

    I could see this happening on your ding. Wind knocks the shot down and since backspin on landing causes the ball path to follow the wind,  you rolled way left on a green that rolls that way anyway. FWIW, this is a case where missing INTO that wind a pixel or 2 would stop that from happening.

    IMO, the ding hurt you and unfortunately, this is the price we pay for the existence of auto dingers. The ding isn't as king as it used to be.

  • pejon60
    250 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 12:40 PM

    Nah Mate it STARTED left and stayed left ...Hit the green ran straight for 4 yards approx and finished 34ft from the pin .....hole high left

    As soon as it was hit it started out on a flight path 6 yards left of aim point then moved a further 11 yards through the air.....Remember I aimed OFF the green RIGHT on the 9th

    That meant that a shot moved 17yrds thru the air R-L even though the wind was NOT EVEN quartering

    The frustrating thing is that I could have that exact same shot  today with the same parameters hit it the same and get a completely different result!

    As for the player who said I might have punched the 3w by mistake on the 7th?....NOPE...the punch would have had a MUCH LOWER trajectory.....This started out on a normal 3w angle 

    Plus the Tour legend I played with played the same shot from 1 yrd closer and 2 yrds to my right same spin but different ball and landed dead online at 222 yrds carry and ran it up to 4ft to the back left pin position 

    Plus ...I know that different holes have their own idiosyncrasies....But it is frustrating when even those CHANGE...and that has been happening a lot recently 

  • kensabre10
    3,019 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 3:40 PM

    huge fellow yamkee fan, pls explain auto dingers? is there a magical solution i dont know bout??? seriously! long live mo!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 4:00 PM

    The best damn player this games ever seen -

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 6:11 PM

    well they gave us Cabo & Whistler.....'nuff said.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 6:15 PM

    They treat us like Morons? You mean we aren't? YIPEE! I'm not a moron! 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 8:17 PM


    huge fellow yamkee fan, pls explain auto dingers? is there a magical solution i dont know bout??? seriously! long live mo!

    It's a cheat device around that WGT is fully aware of and not worth messing around with. Makes the game harder than hitting one of Moe's cutters. LOL

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 10:34 PM

    " I really enjoy eating pizza"

  • JasonNumber100
    2,908 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 2:00 AM

    I think you need to calm down. Those two holes are deceptive. I find it very difficult to land on the green on the 7th. I prefer to be long than short, but you need plenty of club.

    On the 9th you also need plenty of club otherwise you will come up short. Both difficult holes.

    You think you did everything right but the shot didn't turn out as you expected it. That's golf. In real life you don't blame the course because you thought you hit a good shot and it didn't go where you wanted it to. How many times have you played a bad shot on here and it's landed near the pin. I don't hear you coming on here and complaining about those. Golf is not an exact science, that's why we play it. It's unpredictable. Now take some deep breaths and move on.

  • pejon60
    250 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 4:10 AM

    Nah mate 

    When I played golf  for real I never blamed the course....unless I was playing links golf and I got a 45 deg bounce left or right...but even then links golf isn't fair but it is equitable. 

    BUT if I hit a PURE shot out of the screws and after taking elevation...wind direction and speed and air temperature into consideration  and the shot started out 6-8 yrds either side of target line and finished up 20 yrds short on carry distance I would have been taking a serious look at my equipment and/or ball

    For 2 years (Until I broke my left ankle in an accident) I practiced to be a touring pro. I hit an average of 1000 practice balls per day, 5-6 days per week and played 72 holes per week....I knew the carry distance I hit any iron or wood in my bag to a relatively small margin of error.

    Plus I said the pin on 7th was in the BACK LEFT with that you try to land it 10 yrds short and run it up...With the shot on the 9th my issue was NOT distance but initial flight path and then WIND movement of the ball

    This issue also brings up the topic of the ridiculous scores some players on WGT score....because they MUST also be getting similar random events happening to them each round...yet somehow they magically score 17 under...1 shot short of birdie average..

    Maybe cheat programs counteract the random issue and that's why they average 6-8ft from pin on approaches