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making it easyer for players to get better clubs

Thu, Nov 25 2010 6:33 PM (136 replies)
  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 4:50 PM


    how rude. Your logic--poor people cannot play because they use their 20 bucks for more useful things like clothes and food for their kids, insurance and gas for the car, little presents for the kids, and all the other things that us GROWN UPS have to worry about

    So then you run off into how much the internet costs. Think mr soulcatcher, the internet is used by the whole family, not only a entertainment factor, but an educational tool for me and the kids. I do not pay for the internet because I want to play WGT, I pay for it so my kids have the same opportunity as your kids, but rich people like you do not have to worry. Your tax cut takes care of all these little things for you, that are big things for me


    Now that is just funny

  • RampantFrenzy
    106 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 5:06 PM



    If you cannot afford 20 bucks maybe your time would be better spent somewhere other than the internet..........

    by the way.....

    how much does your internet cost a month?

    how rude. Your logic--poor people cannot play because they use their 20 bucks for more useful things like clothes and food for their kids, insurance and gas for the car, little presents for the kids, and all the other things that us GROWN UPS have to worry about

    So then you run off into how much the internet costs. Think mr soulcatcher, the internet is used by the whole family, not only a entertainment factor, but an educational tool for me and the kids. I do not pay for the internet because I want to play WGT, I pay for it so my kids have the same opportunity as your kids, but rich people like you do not have to worry. Your tax cut takes care of all these little things for you, that are big things for me




    no sympathy and I agree....  do 20$ worth of free offers and buy some clubs


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 6:02 PM

    no sympathy and I agree....  do 20$ worth of free offers and buy some clubs

    Never asked for sympathy, asked for pure undiluted logic, which you and your friend have none.

    soulcatcher welcomes you to the little boys club

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 6:03 PM


    Never asked for sympathy, asked for pure undiluted logic, which you and your friend have none.

    soulcatcher welcomes you to the little boys club


  • borntobesting
    9,680 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 6:29 PM




    If you cannot afford 20 bucks maybe your time would be better spent somewhere other than the internet..........

    by the way.....

    how much does your internet cost a month?

    how rude. Your logic--poor people cannot play because they use their 20 bucks for more useful things like clothes and food for their kids, insurance and gas for the car, little presents for the kids, and all the other things that us GROWN UPS have to worry about

    So then you run off into how much the internet costs. Think mr soulcatcher, the internet is used by the whole family, not only a entertainment factor, but an educational tool for me and the kids. I do not pay for the internet because I want to play WGT, I pay for it so my kids have the same opportunity as your kids, but rich people like you do not have to worry. Your tax cut takes care of all these little things for you, that are big things for me




    no sympathy and I agree....  do 20$ worth of free offers and buy some clubs


    yes the free offers and surveys and you can get some of the best clubs and balls WGT has to offer. You don't have to be rich to buy the best stuff on here. And i am so glad that you don't have to be rich because if you did have to be rich then i would still be using the starter clubs and balls.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 7:40 PM

    So then you run off into how much the internet costs. Think mr soulcatcher, the internet is used by the whole family, not only a entertainment factor, but an educational tool for me and the kids.

    That's what the library is for.   You remember those?   The internet is not a necessity,  its a want for many.   There are many other ways to gain knowledge, other then the internet when any sap can post something they believe to be true.   When you come to WGT you must look at it as entertainment, if you can not afford that entertainment which can be provided for free, then you must decided whether or not you would like to continue being a member of the WGT community.   





  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Nov 19 2010 8:31 PM


    no sympathy and I agree....  do 20$ worth of free offers and buy some clubs

    Never asked for sympathy, asked for pure undiluted logic, which you and your friend have none.

    soulcatcher welcomes you to the little boys club

    It is obvious from this post as well as others by you that your envy has tainted your heart and soul. It bothers me because I have seen this in my own family and like this person in time it will make you a bitter, angry person that no one wants to be around.

    Dwell on your successes rather that of others. It is better to be happy with your own successes and wealth than what others have achieved whether through being an entrepreneur or because they inherited it. Nothing is fair in this world, someone will achieve more than you, someone will earn more than you, someone is smarter than you.....thats life! This applies to every person on the face of this earth. Most people often struggle in their life but someone always has it worse than others.

    I know you are going to write back something nasty and hateful and thats fine, but if you take anything from this at all remember, You can't be envious and happy at the same time. Someone once said to me that we have to learn to count our own blessings rather than the blessings of your fellow man.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 5:47 AM


    must decided whether or not you would like to continue being a member of the WGT community.   


    bogey, never have a problem with my clubs, have no interest to see a 65 avg next to my name like some people do. Would rather spend 20 on something else, because all the 20 does is lower my average, and only the super egos care about that. You know, a 72 avf with reg clubs is a 65 with store bought clubs

    have a nice weekend


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 5:54 AM

    You can't be envious and happy at the same time. Someone once said to me that we have to learn to count our own

    you are a riot. ENVY, cmon, I feel sorry for you that your ego is so large that you must see a low average by your name.

    If you would look at my match play, you can see that envy is not my problem. I have handled masters and tour pros at a 75% win, with my puny little reg clubs. I notice with your super clubs you are at 65%, so maybe you are envious that my win ratio is higher


    Good luck to you, and keep sinking those 60 ft putts. 

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 5:59 AM

    That's what the library is for.   You remember those?  

    yes, sure do. Problem is they are open during working hours, my computer is open any time I want

    of  course any sap can post to the internet, look at yourself. The internet, for your knowledge, is loaded with all the newspapers around the world, all the books around the world, all the articles from educated men and women around the world, all the statistics from all the sports world, and so much more. I find your idea of the internet is warped, and of course that is your problem, not mine

    you have a nice weekend, and be sure to go to the library sunday, I am sure they will open for you