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making it easyer for players to get better clubs

Thu, Nov 25 2010 6:33 PM (136 replies)
  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 6:10 AM


    You can't be envious and happy at the same time. Someone once said to me that we have to learn to count our own

    you are a riot. ENVY, cmon, I feel sorry for you that your ego is so large that you must see a low average by your name.

    If you would look at my match play, you can see that envy is not my problem. I have handled masters and tour pros at a 75% win, with my puny little reg clubs. I notice with your super clubs you are at 65%, so maybe you are envious that my win ratio is higher


    Good luck to you, and keep sinking those 60 ft putts. 

    The envy I was quoting has nothing to do with this game but rather your obvious class envy. I could care less about your stats, your wins or mine for that matter. This is just a game to me. Think about what you post, go back and read the obvious misery and hate we all see. Envy is an insult to ones self, not others.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 6:17 AM

    The envy I was quoting has nothing to do with this game but rather your obvious class envy. I

    that is stupid, so sorry. Never said i envy your class. Some have class, some have none, so why would I envy your class.

    I do have 2 tickets to the "good old boys club" if you want. Will send them for free. 

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 6:30 AM


    The envy I was quoting has nothing to do with this game but rather your obvious class envy. I

    that is stupid, so sorry. Never said i envy your class. Some have class, some have none, so why would I envy your class.

    I do have 2 tickets to the "good old boys club" if you want. Will send them for free. 

    It is obvious you cannot understand what is so plainly written in front of you. I was not inferring class as in style and grace but rather class as in money. You continuously rail against those with money and your envy and hatred of not only them but males shines through your soul like a black spot on the sun.

  • TheRCR
    1 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 6:59 AM

    this is probably the wrong forum to post this in but these new rules suck sorry to say....i know i suck too many flippin rounds do you need to play before you level still stuck at pro and don't see any end in sight.....i've no idea how many rounds i've played since the change but come on

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 7:36 AM

    It is obvious you cannot understand what is so plainly written in front of you. I was not inferring class as in style and grace but rather class as in money. You continuously rail against those with money and your envy and hatred of not only them but males shines through your soul like a black spot on the sun

    o smart one, please post my railing against those with money. My family is extremely wealthy, and that wealth is easily accessible to me and my children at any time I choose. At this time I do not choose, just like I do not choose to use my 300 credits for imaginary clubs and ball.  I do rail against people like you who want to tell people where they should spend their money, how they should spend their money, and talk down to people who disagree with where they should spend their money. I do rail against those people like you who equate their ability to spend money to other people who may have more on their mind than a 65 average

    As far as males, my hubby thinks I am pretty good, lol, and that is the only male i care to please. For sure, I do look down on men who are so shallow that they must wake up every morning and see a 65 by their name. Their life is as shallow as you can get, and if you fit into that category, ok by me

    please post on my wall the railings against the rich, my dad says that he will spank me if I rail against the rich

    I do not think you need my 2 free tickets to the "good old boys club", for you are probably a charter member

    Meet you sunday at the library

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 9:16 AM


    It is obvious you cannot understand what is so plainly written in front of you. I was not inferring class as in style and grace but rather class as in money. You continuously rail against those with money and your envy and hatred of not only them but males shines through your soul like a black spot on the sun

    o smart one, please post my railing against those with money. My family is extremely wealthy, and that wealth is easily accessible to me and my children at any time I choose. At this time I do not choose, just like I do not choose to use my 300 credits for imaginary clubs and ball.  I do rail against people like you who want to tell people where they should spend their money, how they should spend their money, and talk down to people who disagree with where they should spend their money. I do rail against those people like you who equate their ability to spend money to other people who may have more on their mind than a 65 average

    As far as males, my hubby thinks I am pretty good, lol, and that is the only male i care to please. For sure, I do look down on men who are so shallow that they must wake up every morning and see a 65 by their name. Their life is as shallow as you can get, and if you fit into that category, ok by me

    please post on my wall the railings against the rich, my dad says that he will spank me if I rail against the rich

    I do not think you need my 2 free tickets to the "good old boys club", for you are probably a charter member

    Meet you sunday at the library

     Whether you have that or not is quite irrelevant to me or anyone else.  the fact that you had to post that says more about who you are, rather than what you probably are not.  touché , checkmate, fin, you proved my point about you better than I could ever have. For this I thank you. You see my point was not about money. People who have money never really need to tell anyone they have it, it's not a point of pride or a right to brag but I digress, further discussion is useless, since you have reveled the mask  of who you really are for the whole world to see...............

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 12:21 PM

    money never really need to tell anyone they have it, it's not a point of pride or a right to brag but I digress, further discussion is useless, since

    fool, why do you lie to win an argument. First you say I knock rich people, and I asked you to prove i said that, NOW YOU SAY I BRAG ABOUT MY MONEY, FOOL, if you could read, I said my parents have money, AND I DO NOT TOUCH IT. You are such a liar, you use that method of making up a story so you can knock it down. LEARN HOW TO READ

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 12:39 PM

    bogey, never have a problem with my clubs, have no interest to see a 65 avg next to my name like some people do.

    I don't want to see an average of 65 beside my name, more like a 59.

    You know, a 72 avf with reg clubs is a 65 with store bought club

    And a 72 average is still a 72 average, its not even close to the 65.....simple math!

    Cheers though,



  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 1:21 PM



    And a 72 average is still a 72 average, its not even close to the 65.....simple math!

    JOIN the club of fools, and I will show you simple math

    72 minus all the big clubs and putter = 65, and to prove it,

    park your crutches at the door, play with regs and show me your 65, lol, fool

    your 65 will probably turn into 75, SIMPLE MATH, AND PROVE ME WRONG


  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 1:26 PM

    I would love to see the match, can anyone stream it for me. Lol

    I'll gift the winner some starter balls.