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making it easyer for players to get better clubs

Thu, Nov 25 2010 6:33 PM (136 replies)
  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Mon, Nov 22 2010 3:26 PM

    hey X w/ many numbers. I thought i was kind to you. I still love you.

    Can you  say you love me too?

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Mon, Nov 22 2010 3:35 PM


    hey X w/ many numbers. I thought i was kind to you. I still love you.

    Can you  say you love me too?

    I love you 2?


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Mon, Nov 22 2010 8:24 PM

    quote="oneputtdavid"...things might change, Im running for the next president for the GOBC.

    (1) 1st off, xw/many#'s, that was not my quote. You quoted a quote. re-read?..need a hint? the poster's initials are Lj.....

    xw/many#'s=LOL, if you will allow me the vote, i pledge my vote to you, because in my mind I believe you should be president, wasting time as sec-treas

    (2) What are you pledging a vote for? The Good ole boy's club? Let me let you in on the mystery.... It's "VIRTUAL". not real, imaginary..... It only exists in YOUR mind.

    xwmany#'s=Have you noticed all your members have been so nasty to me, I guess like in real life, you hit a nerve, and you say nasty words

    (3) My members? What members are you referring to? The only members i'm associated with are WGT members/players who like myself, are competitive and are not afraid of the challenge to be the best they can far as being "nasty" to you, your numerous posts and/or replies are so full of negativity and criticizms (not only about this game and WGT) but EVERYTHING.     

    You would probably be better off just to quit this game, and spending that time w/your family....seems to me this game and you are not suited. Maybe you could try chess........................ against a "computer".      IMHO 


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 5:22 AM

    2) What are you pledging a vote for? The Good ole boy's club? Let me let you in on the mystery.... It's "VIRTUAL". not real, imaginary..... It only exists in YOUR mind

    not in my mind, the good old boys club kept segregation alive until the civil rights act of 1965, and then they went underground

    The good old boys club is alive and well in most American corporations, and as long as we have people who fear competition, their will be a good old boys club. You see, to be a member you have to be a bully, or a racist or totally so insecure you need to suck your thumb all day

    Now to prove my point, just look through the threads, and anytime someone attacks a master(lol) or a legend(lol), the good old boys club comes to the rescue with attacks on the poster. Not one, not two, but maybe 5-6 come running to the wounded deer. One putt, I can understand nobody wants to be told the truth, but it is laughable the way all the good old boys come running. My posts bring them out, and they understand they cannot play this game well without crutches, so they bought crutches. If you give a crippled man crutches, and then take them away he falls on his face, and that is all i am saying. You masters(lol) and legends(lol) will fall on your faces when the crutches are taken away. That was proven this weekend when bogeybuster ran like a scared puppy dog. 

    I do not have to quit the game, I play so little. I have more important things to do, but what I like to do is make insecure people like yourself try and defend themselves. No defense for taking titles such as masters and legends, when all you are is ams with high power clubs.

  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 5:53 AM

    It may not be nice, but its TRUE.  So the graphic designers and game designers should work for free?? 

    If you cant afford $20 for clubs, you shouldnt be spending time on the internet playing golf.

    Read a book, Read a book, read a mother!#$$#%^ing book........................... :)

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 6:43 AM

    lol, whats a book.

    No seriously whats a book.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 7:06 AM


    The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, pride and arrogance.

    i bet you figured that out when you were shaving, a good look in the mirror is always helpful

    Sarge, I noticed one thing about all you guys, you all have an arrogance that only money could buy, you all have an ego that takes up a city block, and none of you will show your real skills without the upgrades. You all run from a challenge, knowing that you cannot back up that arrogance and ego. When someone like me challenges that, you guys go crazy, coming to the aid of the other, because I am really challenging all of you. You take an Am, give him 3 weeks in this game and he becomes a pro, then you sell him upgrades, and he becomes a master, and then he plays a few rounds and he becomes a legend, which really appeals to your arrogance and ego, BUT real masters and legends would scorn you for taking such an easy route to become masters and legends. Legends play for 20 years, masters for 10, and you guys buy a couple of clubs, and you think that makes a master

    So again I say, any of you masters/LEGENDS,  who want to show me you can break par at beth page, I will apologize for everything i have said, and give you my 300 credits, but I do not hear any footsteps running to me door saying i take the challenge, instead I get from bogey all the BS that any ego maniac could give. He is dodging the challenge. He plays everyday, so he has no reason not to SHOW ME HIS GREAT SKILL

    There you go with money again......You know there is an old Samuel Clemens saying that fits your posts, ALL of your posts. "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."



  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 7:10 AM

    If you cant afford $20 for clubs, you shouldnt be spending time on the internet playing golf.

    hey stupid, if you look through the threads you will see that I suggested that WGT sell monthly, yearly and lifetime green fees. I can afford what I want to afford, not what some dummy, who cannot finish a sentence without a swear word, says I should afford

    welcome to the good old boys clubs, and one putt, you can see who your membership is

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 7:16 AM


    There you go with money again......You know there is an old Samuel Clemens saying that fits your posts, ALL of your posts. "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."


    sarge, here is some advice to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you thought I was talking money, your english skills are no more than your IQ

    I would love one of you guys say--"I am going to become a master of this game, and I am not going to buy my masters degree, I am going to do it the old fashioned American way,

    EARN IT, and when I do, I can hold my head up high and say 'I AM A MASTER"

    simple minds need simple answers, so sarge, that is your lesson for the day, and I made it as easy as possible. 

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 7:27 AM



    There you go with money again......You know there is an old Samuel Clemens saying that fits your posts, ALL of your posts. "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."


    sarge, here is some advice to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you thought I was talking money, your english skills are no more than your IQ

    I would love one of you guys say--"I am going to become a master of this game, and I am not going to buy my masters degree, I am going to do it the old fashioned American way,

    EARN IT, and when I do, I can hold my head up high and say 'I AM A MASTER"

    simple minds need simple answers, so sarge, that is your lesson for the day, and I made it as easy as possible. 

    Ohh X, you know so little. To think, the thing that makes me proudest is that I served 22 years as a soldier, even for fools like you. Remember, it is not the poet that gave you freedom of speech but people like me.

    PS: I have a degree in Military Science and you know what, Daddy never paid for a dime of it, but as a taxpayer, you did. LMAO!