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Wed, Dec 7 2011 7:53 PM (127 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 7:27 PM

    I just love how these same players keep winning over and over without cheating in some way...i dont know how they do but they must...shooting so low all the freaking time.  This game does not allow for that. I dont want to here the same bull about how much they practice. This is a computer game with alot of gliches. Meter screw-ups, the wind is usually wrong. So dont give me that bull. These are computer geeks who know how to cheat the system is some way. I would like to name names but not going to.

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 7:41 PM

    I would like to name names but not going to.
    Go ahead...Name them ! If your going to make allegations, I mean why not...? You've already slapped them across the face and spit on the hundreds of hours of effort. I'm with Icon on this one..."Bring some solid proof with you when you come."


  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 8:05 PM

    Come off it,,,to say there is not absolute BS going on here,,,is an admission in its self...I have been playing here for over a year...With all my $$$ and time,,,I have gone nowhere in 8 months as a Master...Tell me. I have not gained knowledge and skills in that time? I play every day and witness pure meter shots that end up as total Funk...Then watch lesser players,,,with lesser clubs,,,pull off remarkable shot after shot...Work all day to make one twenty foot putt,,,and watch these same players of lesser skills,,,make two,,,three a match.,,And I am talking about a regular basis...It has gotten to the point,,,where I can read every shot on the course,,,hit the meter,,,and funk...Yet,  my knowledge can script the outcome of almost 90% of the holes played...So,,,tell me again,,,this set-up,,,is not Fudge. And I support every WGT Golfer that calls this sight on the carpet,,,its appears to me,,, that support for this set-up comes from the CHEATERS,,,by a format set-up by Cheaters... 

    10,716 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 8:06 PM

    Players that win a lot Heath are great putters,, they endure same Vem   same Meter glitches ,But they make them 20 foot putts when they need to its that simple,

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 8:25 PM

    For what its worth!

     "Any shot that is not "dinged" is fair game".

     "Ive seen players (even good players) play certain shots time and time again, getting the same poor results"

    These are quotes from two of the best players in this game..:) 


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 8:56 PM

    Now Now, I get frustrated also but I think if you contact Ms. Rossetti both of her

    will explain this to you, if that doesn't work then have YancyCan beam you up.

    He'll perform a frontal labotomy with an alien doctor and everything will

    be all better.

  • Fubar057
    170 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 10:26 PM

    I here you. I myself think that there is some BS going on with some of the players. U have Masters & Tour masters that use starter putters and balls and making  15-25 ft putts, and its not on flat greens either ????

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:18 PM

    I would love nothing more than to have an on-site annual comp sponsored by wgt. Take all the top players and fly them out to a site with all the exact same computer hardware, and have an in-person bracketed tournament.

    Anyone who has nothing to hide will happily show up and lay it all on the line. Those who refuse, well, nuf said.

    Auto enter the top money winners, and those of each tier with the lowest average.

    Settle it once and for all, and give wgt an opportunity to advertise the hell out of this game, with a special tournament.

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 11:57 PM

    people still would nt believe

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2011 1:35 AM

    Why thankyou!

    I don't know much about biology,(well,except that the malleus incus and stapes articulate together to transfer vibrations from the first tympanic membrane to the second tympanic membrane,and after that the resultant reverberations head off through a passageway made of little hairs tended by teentsie men in white coats called numbskulls who feed it into vertriculators greased with acritonium and when it comes out the other end its in yor brain and more white men who stand by consoles with lots of knobs and dials turn it into sound using tuning forks made from purest green.After that the men(the teentsie ones) tell other bits of your body how to react using a complex super highway called synapse 1 which has intersections at a place called dorsal root ganglia)

    But I digress.(dont forget Mr Eustachion)

    Anyway I don't think (and perhaps thats the problem) that this site has so many people capable of executing the perfect cheat,more it is my belief that,as in my case certainly,we all do ooh look a butterfly! suffer from such lack of random concentration that our shots go awry,whereas others,in the same game,are more capable of sustaining it,giving the illusion that they have some superior method which in and because of itself the rest of us believe to be a cheat of some kind.In words of one syllable,some days we all suck so bad...

    I urge people to just take a moment and look at my score history as an example.Not because it will prove or disprove anything at all,but because I just got a 29 and want to show off.In an honest kind of way,I like bluebells.But seriously,a quick scan will reveal that not so long before that,I hit a 45 too and I know the 45 was because I was in a foul doo doo baggie diggie which affected my score far more than any cheat could have done.

    When at first I began on wgt,I too was convinced that there were underhand doings going on,but you know,with time,and patience,and a strong will to never be ripped like some guys were doing as my shots flew wide,I overcame that particular silliness,and my scores improved.One look at some of the legends ranked games which number in the 1000's tell me that experience does and must count for something,and for this reason I would never be uncharitable and call them cheats,but I would gladly prepare a feasting tray and upon would heap my respect for their delectation.

    So,two tips.


    Dont play if you're in a doo doo baggie diggie


    Make sure to feed the teentsie men the things they like,in particular,the ones who control your mouse finger.

    I hope this helps,but in my mind know that it probably doesn't.
