To Michalzeszen,
No one likes losing a ball in the water. Especially when that costs money out of your pocket. I have no idea what balls you would purchase as your currently equiped ball is the starter ball. Best way to avoid the anguish would be as Fatdan said:
"The solution is "don't get anywhere near the water, and when you do or can't avoid it, make 100% sure you don't hit into it!"
For what it's worth, I feel that Congressional 18 is the biggest ball magnet (with water) anywhere.
When I was a tour pro, I used the WGT G12-S ball with pretty good results. Then I went to the G13-S ball most of the time. I liked the slightly slower meter speed better. I found it played well for the cost. At that time I was also playing with the L59 Ping G25's. Buying higher priced balls with better attributes would have been a waste of money.
I am sorry for the remark about CDP. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It was more a cry of frustration regarding the ongoing problems people are having since the last update changed how the CDP works combined with the apparent inability of many people to search the forum for answers before posting a question.
Overall, I guess I was thinking that people venting about the "unfairness" of a game following the consequences of what sometimes happens IRL and expecting any change to prevent it from happening is just strange. As alosso says "we are WGT, hope is futile".
I have sent you a small gift of some sleeves of WGT G12-S balls. I hope they help your game a bit and you enjoy them. Hit them where you are aiming and keep them dry.
Good Luck,