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They Quit I lose ?

Sat, Sep 8 2012 4:28 AM (43 replies)
  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 4:19 AM

    Bottom line is WGT can't tell the difference between a disconnect and a player quitting. Other games have the same problem; people pull their net connection etc and claim it was a disconnect if you only penalise quitting.

    As WGT have said they are simply recording completion stats so if the non-completed is their fault or your fault it doesn't matter. Unless it happens the whole time it's not going to affect your stats that much.

  • Jimd1
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 4:46 AM

    I finished a game after waiting 15 minutes when a player kept getting kicked off Then I received a forfiet notice.The game was finished!!!!

  • grady3rd
    45 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 5:52 AM

    The trouble with your "helpful" suggestions is that they are both demeaning to the poster and come from an unqualified "buttinski".  If you did, in fact, have a solution to a probem that you youself had carefully devised, that would be helpful.  But you are suggesting that by merely restarting one's browser, all issues and errors will magically be resolved.  This is simply not the case with this frustrating and persistent error.  The simple fact that you failed to even inquire as to the person's hardware/software means that you are making certain assumptions that may or may not prove to be true. 

    Does this post concern me? You bet your sweet *** it does. This same error occurs on my system daily, and I find it to be frustrating as hell.  I myself have a Mac Pro Quad Xeon, and have played almost all of my 2200+ games on it, always using the latest verion of the Safari browser and Flash player.  This problem began when WGT starting popping up banner ads requiring discrete closure.  The scenario is always the same, someone either quits or for some reason becomes disconnected from the game.  When that happens all players are booted back to the lobby.  On the rare occasion that I am returned directly to the lobby there are no issues.  However, when a banner ad pops up and I am required to close it to proceed, the "Continue/Forfeit" screen is loaded.  Pressing "Forfeit" will cause the game to move forward, with an unfortunate forfeit of the game.  When "Contnue" is pressed, the timer stops (sometimes it never even appears) and the game is frozen.  Nothing will happen even if I wait for 2-3 minutes (I've tried).  Reloading the current window will result in getting a "We're sorry, but there is an error, please close this window..." error message.

    There is no recovery from this error (that I have found).  I have tried:

    1.  Closing Safari and restarting it.
    2.  Closing Safari and starting WGT in Firefox.
    3.  Resetting the Browser Cache and restarting
    4.  Resetting the flash cache and restarting
    5.  Starting Firefox and loading WGT without closing Safari
    6.  Closing Safari rebooting computer, restarting Safari and WGT
    7.  Closing Safari, rebooting computer, starting Firefox and WGT
    8.  Booting laptop (Windows 7, Internet Explorer) and logging in to WGT

    Al of these result in the same thing, a gameclient that hangs up an will not allow continuation of the game.  Note that It has taken dozens (over a hundred) of these errors to be able to compile such a list of potential remedies that do not work.  Sometimes people run out of patience and forfeit the game while I'm trying to get back in.

    So the next time you feel te urge to chime in with your "restart the browser" advice, realize that it most likely will not work, and you are simply pissing someone off by assuming that they have not tried this very obvious remedy before taking to the forums to get qualified advice from professionals (not keyboard jockeys with no computer skills).

    Good day, sir.


    Are you having trouble with your reading skills?

    No, are you having trouble with your seeing skills? I doubt that BarbaraAnn w/ a cute female avatar is a he. Could be, but I doubt it.

    I'm going to be nice to you, which is normally not my nature when someone is "injudicious" with me (other words come to mind), but just this once for you, I'll make an exception. When you get the error message, for whatever reason, you should close your browser & open back up & go back to complete the game. If it won't let you for whatever reason, you submit a bug report to wgt, & email them with all the details you have.   If you don't go back & attempt to finish, according to the system, you QUIT. That's how it works. 

    For your information sir (using the word loosely) I am neither a troublemaker nor a bootlicker. I am trying to help people, as usual, both understand how these features work & how to correct or report them if they don't. And you have certainly been here long enough to know, wgt doesn't answer questions in threads on forum very often, so I'm trying to be a helpful member of this community. Does this post concern you? If not, & you're not trying to help, then you're the one with the worthless, meaningless, unsolicited comment, not I. Don't need people such as yourself to butt in & be a horse's rear.  Thank you & have a Blessed day.  

  • grady3rd
    45 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 7:45 AM

    Did I forget to mention that I have filed numerous Bug Reports (when the system lets me, as that part also gets broken and will not send), as well as sent emails to WGT support.  There have been no replies over the past year that I made these reports. 

    Actually, I know all I need to know about you.  You are not a moderator, you do not represent WGT in any official capacity, and appear to have limited knowledge of software issues.  All of which qualifiesyou to keep your trap shut instead of dispensing non-sensical advice to those doing their duty and reporting issues with the Beta.

    If you don't wish to be "addressed", simply stop replying with your drivel.


    come from an unqualified "buttinski".

    Talk about demeaning & assuming! Look in the mirror. You know nothing about me, except that I'm not being an inconsiderate jerk such as you are being.


    The simple fact that you failed to even inquire as to the person's hardware/software means that you are making certain assumptions that may or may not prove to be true. 

    This matters how?

    All you had to do was follow the second part of my "worthless suggestion" & email wgt with details of your issue. You'll find no help w/ your problem here. All a mod will do is tell you to email them. It's just that simple, but you can choose to be a horse's ass if you like, & apparently you do. Tell you what: you mind yours & I'll mind mine. If I don't address you, you don't address me. K? Good  Now you have a Blessed day "sir".

    Remember this: you do not know who you are dealing with. Act like it.

  • EndaBunkers
    39 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 8:56 AM

    How do hyena, surely the main problem here is that wgt staff refuse to reply to peoples requests for assistance and ignore bug reports; as a result the mods get a pasting. When people experience the same difficulty over and over and over, its no wonder they get frustrated. The mods should do their part and demand that the technicians respond when they are asked to. 99 times out of 100 a simple reply will alleviate all the tension....

    Lets everybody try and help one person out today, ive chosen you; sympathy kills apathy,   ty, EB

  • cadornette
    319 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 9:22 AM

    who you think you are? who are you calling a baby? why don't YOU go and play real're hated by all wgt community..get your ass out from here..douchebag--

    Greeting from Argentina =)