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quickest moderation in wgt history lol

Thu, Mar 14 2013 11:19 PM (102 replies)
  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 4:21 PM

    why is it illegal to have more than one account? i had 3 in wow and it was fine, just playing devils advocate if this guy was shooting 90s no one would care

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 4:44 PM


    why is it illegal to have more than one account? i had 3 in wow and it was fine, just playing devils advocate if this guy was shooting 90s no one would care

    Yup, understand what you saying, but he is NOT. Most of the players who use more than one account do so for profit, period. Like CIB said in earlier thread, look at my putting stats, i think i know how to roll the rock. Sht i don't need a putter, ill use the starter, i bet i would fair pretty good at a lower tier, lol, hell i take master tier back please, lol.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 6:29 PM

    Pizza and WGT made an effort to get something going but most of the members who bemoan the lack of communication and who claim to want a better community were conspicuously absent...

    Everyone was told for weeks that their concerns were being brought in front of Chad. Pizza started threads specifically for members to raise their concerns before the chat. When the chat rolled around, it was ridiculously clear that almost NONE of the questions or concerns had ever made it to Chad's desk. He looked like a deer in the headlights the entire time. Every concern that had been brought up hundreds of times in these forums was brand new to him. Don't tell people you care what the community thinks, ask the community for their input, only to make it very clear that what the community thinks and feels is of absolutely no concern to the person supposedly concerned. People don't like being lied to. The only thing any of the chats have ever done is prove just how indifferent the people in charge are to those who enjoy this game.

    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 7:36 PM

    what i don't get is..

    a bunch of us seen this guy month's back.. an even my novice detective abilities could see who the .. lets say main friends were.. of a number of lets say STONERS.. 

    i had happen to run across.. search'n for a CC with folks that enjoy a toke as i do..and so have been keeping tabs on this gang for sometime.. just to kill time between survey's lol..  

    two ..STAND OUT ... like LIGHT HOUSE yet they only close'd .. a few of the accounts associated with these ppl.. 

    big wonder ..MORE STARTED BACK UP...seams like if they would close ALL that cohort or receive gifts from ANY of these new accounts,, it MIGHT cut off the head off this gang of multi cheets.. 

    the guy plays ALT with same certain two ..who have to be part of or have knowlege of or in someway aiding Mr. multi.. or sure looks like it to me.. 

    anywho... i feel for WGT.. mabey one day we can scan a thumbprint to sign in.. :) .. 

    gl gl ..CHEETER'S SUCK ...   peace

  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 8:02 PM


    I already saw the report and will be looking at it.



    Funny, I was recently told, reporting folks on the forums is not supported.

    Even if called out or not...  Reports from the forums are not considered.  The moderator just deletes the offending thread without recourse.

    ... Policy change?

    How about a bounty program?  Pay me 100,000,000 credits I'll report my extensive list of cheaters.


  • foregettaboutit
    227 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 8:13 PM

    It's like we are all talking to the wall here! 

    I understand that it is impossible to stop all cheaters, especially with the limited amount of people wgt has in its employ. 

    Icon has said before that if we have evidence/proof of a player who is cheating to send it to him and it will be resolved.. 

    I thought that was done here..

    Why is the player in question here still allowed to enter tournaments for credits and cheat others out of credits? 

    I am a tour legend and i have won my share of tournaments but it took a long time to do so. I certainly was not winning tournaments (or even coming close to par) in my first week or two of playing this game.

    The guy is an obvious cheat and now that icon/wgt  is aware of him he needs to be stopped! I know wgt can't stop all the cheats but you can stop this guy! Do it already...


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 4:36 AM

    When the chat rolled around, it was ridiculously clear that almost NONE of the questions or concerns had ever made it to Chad's desk. He looked like a deer in the headlights the entire time.

    True but it was the first one.....over time and with 100s / 1000s of participants, who knows...

  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 7:32 AM

    Every concern that had been brought up hundreds of times in these forums was brand new to him. Don't tell people you care what the community thinks, ask the community for their input, only to make it very clear that what the community thinks and feels is of absolutely no concern to the person supposedly concerned.
    What you say!!

    Andy, I don't quite get why you keep defending them and keep blaming their customers.

    The "Pizza" role account was established well before, shouting "we read every thread!" The community has never lost any power in pointing out issues and proposing ameliorations. Then we looked into MrWGT's puzzled eyes..

    IMHO, any lack of communication is to blame to the company which failed to take profit from their willing customers and from their own extra effort.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 10:16 AM

    Andy, I don't quite get why you keep defending them and keep blaming their customers.


    No, I can see that but on the flip side I can't see why you are so intent on putting the blame squarely and solely on WGT..

    We had an opportunity to further a better line of communication which  wasn't seized upon by the vast majority..

    The 'chats' imo were just a start and never were going to be a panacea overnight, they needed working on and time to mature into something most wanted..a Voice.

    So now we are left with the status quo and some don't like it but "you reap what you sow"



  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 10:55 AM

    I hear you.BTW, did you like Route 66?

    Alas, reading Glassman's summary in total agreement, it's difficult to find a fault in the community.

    It's not us who entered the chat unprepared,

    it's not us who failed to offer a new chat as a possible sow of improved communication.

    The community continues to express their opinions and proposals. I'm only afraid that there's nobody to take this to their offices and software labs.

    Now back to the game!
