what i don't get is..
a bunch of us seen this guy month's back.. an even my novice detective abilities could see who the .. lets say main friends were.. of a number of lets say STONERS..
i had happen to run across.. search'n for a CC with folks that enjoy a toke as i do..and so have been keeping tabs on this gang for sometime.. just to kill time between survey's lol..
two ..STAND OUT ... like LIGHT HOUSE BEACONS...an yet they only close'd .. a few of the accounts associated with these ppl..
big wonder ..MORE STARTED BACK UP...seams like if they would close ALL that cohort or receive gifts from ANY of these new accounts,, it MIGHT cut off the head off this gang of multi cheets..
the guy plays ALT with same certain two ..who have to be part of or have knowlege of or in someway aiding Mr. multi.. or sure looks like it to me..
anywho... i feel for WGT.. mabey one day we can scan a thumbprint to sign in.. :) ..
gl gl ..CHEETER'S SUCK ... peace