I started playing WGT a little under a month ago having read that it was a great "free" online game. Having played a lot of console based golf games from the days of he good old Commodore C64 through to the latest Tiger Woods PGA incarnation on the Xbox I thought this was a game for me. So, as much for me as anyone else here's my experiences so far and my plans for the future.
First things first. I decided fom the day I started that I wasn't going to pay a penny to play the game. If that meant I couldn't advance then so be it. I'd let the videos role and do the odd survey (not giving away too many sensitive personal details) and pick up free credits where I could.
At first I found the game tough. In fact I still do. So I set myself realistic targets. First up was to play at least a few holes ever day to climb the levels ladder and try to break the 18 handicap. After a week or so the target became a 9 handicap. I began to realse quickly that I needed better equipment. But didn't have the credits. However then came the free rental offer over the Masters' weekend. So I tried out some middle ranging clubs to see what I could achieve. And sure enough there was an improvement and I found myself shooting an average of about 2 over with the odd below par score. Hardly groundbreaking. I decided there and then to be patient and wait before spending my few credits until I could afford some really decent equipment. Clubs which would not need replacing until much,much later. I did some reserch, looked through the pro shop for good value, reachable without hitting Levels in the 90s. This is the list I've come up with:-
Driver - TM R1 TP 9.0, Level48, Cost - 2 495
3W - TM R11S, Level 41, Cost - 665
3H - TM R11S, Level 43, Cost - 665
Irons - TM RocketBallz, Level 68, Cost - 2 195
Wedges - TM ATV, 60 and 64, Levels 86/87, Cost - 1 195 each
Putter - Nike Method, Level 77, Cost 2 000
So here I stand now, about to make my first purchase. I'm at Level 48 and have 2 392 in the bank. Within the next 48 hrs I'll have enough to take the plunge. And perhaps against popular thought it'll be for the TaylorMade driver. My reasoning is simple. At the moment my standard driver gives me a paltry 225 off the tee. Meaning at least twice a round I can't make the green in two. Frequently three or four times a round when the wind's against. The TM will offer a non wind assisted 275. It's a no brainer to be able to reach pretty much every hole and have shorter shots in in all but the par threes.
Will this policy get me regular sub par rounds? Can I afford not to keep getting decent balls and saving for the next club upgrade? Time will tell. And then what?