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Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:03 AM (174 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 4:23 PM

    I don't know Mio and don't have the whole story, but he has read some of my posts, and has offered some good suggestions on how to improve. I'm starting to think he pissed someone off at WGT who thinks they have the ultimate power. There is only one ultimate power, and it sure as hell isn't WGT. This is a game, did he kill someone or maim them to the point they can't play anymore? Enough of the thin skin and pity pot BS. Put the man back on here and get over it. One person out of hundreds of thousands banned forever, how do you explain this? There must be more involved than what the public knows or think they know. Could there be other players on here that doesn't want him back? Players who have a lot of pull with the management of WGT. I have no idea, just thinking out loud. One last question, do the Constitutional Rights not apply to this site?

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 5:59 PM

    Disgraceful behaviour.

    Vindictive and horribly Big Brother for my liking. Makes me uneasy. Did he have something on his profile, or is it what he said in private chat within games. Private chat is just that.

    I think certain people on WGT have a stupidity issue that needs to be addressed. And certain individuals have let a little bit of power go to their heads. It must provide sustenance to their very sad lives.

    I run a very small CC and offer up my own credits as ball prizes. I will stop doing that now. I will use my remaining credits to buy cheap balls. That should last me until the end of the year. My 20/30 USD a month will be better spent on beer rather than paying the wage of an employee that is allowed to pursue is own vindictive agenda on this site.

    Don't even think about banning me for my opinion. I will be back so often you won't believe.

    LOL. WGT thinks it is the CIA or somesuch. Clowns.

    224 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 7:11 PM

    .. ... He was banned for having an over elaborated opinion which contrasted with WGT,,, simply put, he stood up against 'double account holders' n the like.......   I doubt the 2 parties disagreed they were out there, but in waving a red flag for action to be done he trod on too many toes in the process.. .. to them he became a constant nuisance................. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 7:58 PM

    Besides that being your uninformed opinion, how is it he is banned from the game many months later? That is the other side of the story that nobody knows. A lot of guesses but no facts. 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:26 PM


    A lot of guesses but no facts. 

    Ok then.....MrWGT or whoever reads the forums pertaining to have authority in WGT.....




  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:30 PM

    TBF Jim, WGT have never once come back with their side of the story. Not once.

    People chirp up with it's their game they can do what they like. I disagree, it's their product, their service, they have customers. They can no longer do what they like. They have bosses, like we all do, their customers. You don't see Coca Cola putting lead into their fizzy drinks, just cause they can.

    Time for WGT to grow up as a company if it wants to move forward as a profesional, successful enterprise. This kind of unanswerable decision is not far off them changing the RG payouts or avatar movements without telling anyone.

    Mio was a good WGT friend of mine, as you are. You have posted two comments on this thread that allude to something sinister on Mio's part. Okay ban him from the forums, but what rules has he broken to ban him from playing. We know the rules re: multi accounts, shared computers, sandbagging etc.. Are you hinting that WGT's greatest whistleblower of these offences may be guilty of such an offence himself? Or are you saying he may have used offensive language or insults to other players - also against the rules.

    I have a deal for you. Let's wait until WGT post on here the reasons why he has received his ban. Until then we can all have a party coming up with our guesses and half side stories. Why? Because that is all WGT will let us have, and just like a 125 PW out of a fairway bunker we can only play with what we have got.

    Happy Hitting.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:48 PM


    .. ... He was banned for having an over elaborated opinion which contrasted with WGT,,, simply put, he stood up against 'double account holders' n the like.......   I doubt the 2 parties disagreed they were out there, but in waving a red flag for action to be done he trod on too many toes in the process.. .. to them he became a constant nuisance................. 

    That's what it would appear to be.

    To be honest it leaves a very bad taste.

    Take away Mio's posting abilities from the forums or profiles etc if you must......but allow him to play the actual game.....where's the harm in that?





  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:50 PM

    Uh-uh, Peter. Don't go reading anything to what I pointed out, that being there are 2 sides to a story and we only know one. I don't know anything more than what I read here and all I read is one sided and a lot of guessing.

    I would like very much for TBE's post to be answered.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:54 PM


    And soon, not in two weeks when they can make up an answer. Like finding WMDs.

    My GUEEEEEESSSS is that Mio simply wouldn't leave it alone. Like a dog gnawing at a festering leg injury.

    Instead of simply ignoring all the sandbaggers and cheats, he kept investigating it. I suspect he PM'd WGt and certain WGT employees relentlessly and maybe some of those mails became abusive (perhaps on both sides). They had enough and busted a cap in his a...

    As an interesting aside, Tiffer has now taken up the challenge and posted a thread in which he asks WGT directly what their policy is on routing out cheats, multi accounters etc.. Lets see if the have the good grace to respond to a long term member with more than 5,000 ranked games and an legend average below 60.

    Maybe they will ban him, ban me, ban tbe, ban lizzie, ban Priestess, ban everyone that sticks up for their friends and asks for transparency.

    I suppose we are taking this all to seriously. After all this is advertised as a FREE game and we should be grateful fo them. If there came a time when people actually spent money on here they would have to buck their ideas up. Oh wait ....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2011 8:55 PM

    Like finding WMDs

    Weapons of Mio's Destruction?