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Nick Faldo's exaggeration.

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Sat, Jun 6 2015 5:14 PM (50 replies)
  • EricVN75
    1 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 6:10 AM

    a day with Sir Nick is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day...

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 8:13 AM

    I love the planet

    That's wonderful to hear. God's creation is a wonder to behold...the only game in town in a limitless Universe. Keep at it. Gain more knowledge and grow. You can do it! ;-}

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 9:16 AM


    I love the planet

    That's wonderful to hear. God's creation is a wonder to behold...the only game in town in a limitless Universe. Keep at it. Gain more knowledge and grow. You can do it! ;-}

    You've provided some fertile ground for learning...

    First, you need to check out a lecture by the physicist Lawrence Krauss called A Universe from Nothing:

    As far as this being the only game in town...if by that you mean ours is the only life-supporting planet in the universe, you'll have a hard time making that case.

    Further, if you'll check out lectures and writings by the likes of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris, you'll find it's very hard to make a case for the existence of any kind of creator/god, much less silliness such as "irreducible complexity" and "intelligent design."

    I'm afraid you're making things too easy for me, we might have to go back to wondering about Nick Faldo and his balls.

  • vinceyboy
    25 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 11:36 AM


    First, you need to check out a lecture by the physicist Lawrence Krauss called A Universe from Nothing:

    As far as this being the only game in town...if by that you mean ours is the only life-supporting planet in the universe, you'll have a hard time making that case.

    Further, if you'll check out lectures and writings by the likes of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris, you'll find it's very hard to make a case for the existence of any kind of creator/god, much less silliness such as "irreducible complexity" and "intelligent design."

    Why would I want to ? To re-listen to collection of your fellow atheists, who like you, have only been alive for 50-60 years on earth, ones whose income and passion is to promote their unprovable beliefs to make themselves "right" and gather enough gullible sheep to keep their the cash flow rolling in ? Talk about gullible. As stated earlier here, you require education from Saul of Tarsus (Paul). Incidently, did you know that while everone uses and understands the word gullible, it isn't even in the dictionary ?

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 11:43 AM

    vinceyboy, run along and play with your friends, the adults are having a serious conversation.

    btw, there's a good reason a congregation of believers is called a flock.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 12:10 PM

    Golf site I know but ..and I wanted to resist:)

    IMHO the eminent scientists do not do near enough to prove enough to say no creator.  Now we then have the definition of "creator" to contend with.  If you start applying the so called literal read to two reasonably well known ancient world books pulled together you get some odd findings.  Same the last one which was also a well known book really, and used as description about life at the time,  A couple of hundred years later some people gel all these books together, centuries later they get translated into Elizabethan English by people not too skilled in all the languages.................After that we then have some 20th century "who" applying 20th century literal read of ancient text - Incredible.  I think a 1961 film, "The Young Ones" described itself as the gayest film of the year.  Apply a 21st century  illiterate"literal" (so called) read to that and we are off track soon even there.  Take a 1925 book about "gay men" and apply a flawed so called "literal" read by those trying to corrupt, and easy to see what happens if you do that to ancient texts without an understanding of the times.

    AS for "intelligent design" well that is the latest greatest insult to the intelligence.  

    That's not atheism on my part, but it saying "who told you all that was true and what credential do they have to say to say all that".  Now finding the shape of a shoe  next to a dinosaur fossil, and saying that's proof we walked with saurs, and the proof of the proof is that everyone says you are nutjob don't stack up either.  

    Fascinating topic, but accept I am out of line for a golf site:)


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 12:23 PM

    Jim, no worries...I've been out of line since I embraced reason and discarded superstition, and happily so.


  • jdcote
    18 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 5:12 PM

    Typical Brit reply. If someone told you that the  Queen had hit 1400 balls out the front door of Buckingham Palace, buncing them, each one in turn, onto Picadilly Circus, you would swear that it were possible and that you PERSONALLY watched her hit 12 such shots on your way to the Pub.

    I don't care if it's Tiger Woods, Greg Norman, Arnold Palmer, or Nick BLOODY Faldo, NOBODY can hit 1500 balls a day, every day for practice and do it with any form of a correct practice. Hell, I could hit 1500 balls a day! I couldn't hit them with any proficiency, but I could DO it!

    AGAIN, it's not MATHEMATICALLY possible to do it and get ANY reasonable benefit from it, EXCEPT to be able to SAY that you do it. And I think that Nick Faldo is better than that.

    It's not about Yank vs. Brit, you WANKER! It's about the PHYSICAL possibility and capability, and practicality. It can NOT be done.

    God Save the Queen.

  • jdcote
    18 Posts
    Sat, Jun 6 2015 5:14 PM

    AAAAHHHHH, the voice of reason.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jun 7 2015 2:16 AM

    To many "Football" is a religion. So reading this thread was a joy.....thanks.

    My father being English was football being rebellious I played rugby and occasionally the round ball game when players were needed. 

    Then when I moved to London, I became passionate about the "beautiful game" despite supporting a team that lost more games that they won.

    My son played football in Singapore and received coaching from some of the games great players, but when he went to high school became involved in rugby as well. He was a state rep in football, and average player in rugby.....but that is what he chose.

    So I will add some music to lighten up the conversation....................hardly playing and may well not be posting much soon...:)) Public Image Limited for the record (PIL - John Lyden of Sex Pistols infamy)

    For the record, I am sure Sir Nick would hit that many balls....lust to be slightly on topic.